Friday, June 30, 2006

Back in the R-D-G

Hey ho all, I arrived safely back in Reading today, to stay until graduation on the 6th of July. I do believe my calendar's pretty free, so feel free to txt/email/phone me so we can meet up and have some fun! :D

In other news, I didn't quite pass my driving test this morning. I personally blame old ladies walking out in front of my car when I was happily passing over a pedestrian crossing.

But there you go. I did however realise something as I was praying about the test, both yesterday and today. I found myself not praying to pass the test as such, but rather that God would give me peace about it. As things are, I did not pass - but this does not mean God loves me any less, nor that he hates my driving. No; it means it wasn't his will. And I hope and pray that he helps me humble my heart more and more, daily, so that I can trust his will & stop believing that I know best! He knows my driving's not quite up to scratch, and for the safety of everyone else, he's probably said 'no, not yet, you're not ready'. But take a step back - isn't that how God often moves and answers prayers? ;) man I love how God teaches you these things!

As my good friend Tash commented this afternoon, 'you can't trust them old ladies!'

Sleep beckons, so I shall go meet it and see what it wants. ttfn :)



weird is just your own personal brand of normal

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