Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Long time, no post

hmm... that title could be Postman Pat's epitaph...

Yeh, anyhoo, just a quick one from me. I am still alive, all you who had thought I'd become dearly departed and were eyeing my my computer and collection of Disney films. (I know who you are!!)

I've been swept up in the wonderful world of MATLAB (R.I.P. that coursework now, thank goodness!) and now my latest 2 courseworks (1 assignment & 2500 essay) which are having to both be done in the space of 3 days! So yes, all's good in the house of madness :)

I did however have a mechatronics lecture on Monday, and I noticed just at the end of lecture that next week we'd be onto 'Pancake Motors' how fantastic is that?!! I can't wait to find out :D

Well, that I think constitutes a short post. I'd best be getting back to work, but not before I tell something awesome God's been pressing home to me today!! Man God is just SO awesome!!!

That we need to be devoted to God in terms of both learning more of who he is, and in applying what he's teaching us and challenging us to take on board.

Coming to know God isn't some tick-box in our lives, it's the beginning of knowing the most amazing person in the whole of creation, and his plan for us. Let's always be yearning to learn more, because there's always stuff to be learnt!!



if computers are idiot-proof, why can't I make them work...

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