Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas reminder

Who do we remember at Christmas?

Precious Jesus, in frailty born

cradled in a stall forlorn
nursed by one amongst gifts and herds
appeared in flesh the inerrant word

Teacher Jesus, wise and just
fulfilled the task he knew he must
brought life to many such as me
by dying on that cursed tree

Mighty Jesus, Lord of all
Conqueror over the grave's thrall
in power he rose, ascended then
awaiting us, his brethren

Promised Jesus, king eternal
Lord o'er men and things infernal
coming one day soon to reign
and in his wake, an angel train!

'Saviour Jesus, risen king'
forever may our praises ring,
from sky to sky and stars to stars
remembering who you truly are

THIS is who we remember at Christmas. It is a pointer to the glorious beginning of the working out of God's salvation plan for us on earth. And more than a pointer, his ascension reminds us of where we're headed - God's presence.

You can't fully take in the wonder or mystery of his coming, nor of what awaits us when we come through the waters of death to stand before him, but praise God with a whole heart, remember what price he paid for you in Jesus, and fix your hearts and mind fully on him and where we are headed.

Christmas is a reminder of who God is and what he did.



weird is just your own personal brand of normal

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