Wednesday, July 02, 2008

And then it got hairier...

After final assessment today, I was left feeling wholly pants. In short, I was told that there was insufficient evidence for me to pass my PGCE in certain areas; namely assessment strategies & record keeping. With this in mind, a Friday morning meeting has been called with the head of my institute, my tutor and myself to discuss what she thinks.

With this in mind, I have reports to write tomorrow, a profile of a child to complete, and a whole load of writing-things-up to do in order to meet these standards I need to be at. I can honestly say that I'm seriously flagging now at the end of this term, yet am reminded each day that he keeps sustaining me in spirit and body.

It's going to be a tough couple of days, especially considering that an outcome to my PGCE will probably be made on Friday morning. I'm nervous, uncertain, but trusting Him. He'll make his good will clear in His time. I will choose to trust - because if God promised to send and then sent his son to live and die for me, I need no greater reason to trust him at his word.

In the mean time, sleep calls, and then a full-on day tomorrow. Watch this space.



weird is just your own personal brand of normal


Sally said...

Stick with it, matey-Tim.

I was there too, issued with a 'Cause for Concern' (what a lovely phrase that is!). The next couple of days will indeed be even more intense than the rest of it, but you want to pass and your tutors want you to pass and will do all they can to help get you there.

Many prayers being said - for success and for sanity.

doonhamer geordie said...

Hey Tim... praying for you tomorrow... You know God is in control. You know He's gone before you. You know His plans are perfect. You know He's watching over you. You know He won't let your foot slip. You know that He knows you inside out. He loves you. It will work out. Whatever happens tomorrow.

Praying He'd give you peace, rest and a good night's sleep.