Sunday, November 24, 2013


Everlasting, you don't grow tired
Though my body aches and tires.
Everlasting, you stay my strength
Power that had no depth or length.
Everlasting, your love is great
Greater than my sin-caused fate.
Everlasting, you stand by me
Walk me through each trial I see.
Everlasting, you stand as mine
A shield against the devil's lies.
Everlasting, you wait for me to call
Then gather me up whenever I fall.
Everlasting, you hear my every prayer
And answer me with love care.

Everlasting, I don't understand your ways
But help me to trust you all my days.
Everlasting, sometimes I don't understand
But I know each day you hold my hand.
Everlasting, my life seem harder each day
And yet you give me strength enough today.
Everlasting, I forget who I am in you
That you gave your son to make me yours
You promise today to see me through
And arrive one day upon your shore
To be welcomed in my father's arms
Free of every thing which held me back.
Everlasting, you stand today and tomorrow
Help me to trust you in the joy and the sorrow.

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