Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Still alive, and working. Oooh yes...

Alive, yes. Full of free time, no!

I think that sums up my life nicely atm. I've just completed my 3 week block placement at Geoffrey Field Junior School in Whitley (Reading) which has been somewhat of a baptism by fire in terms of behaviour management and classroom control, but the time has sped by and I find myself missing my year 6's already!

I took the weekend off from academic work (on advice of my tutor!) and enjoyed a lovely weekend in Guildford, gatecrashing the Surrey CU's houseparty, and spending lots of time with the lovely Miss Hare - by far my favourtie part of the weekend =D

Now the week has kicked back in, I find myself in 6th gear and knee-deep in work, but that's fine, really. Why? Because I keep getting reminded that God gives you the strength you need, when you rely on him fully and set your heart on honouring him; work, friends, personal life, troubles, the whole shabang. Colossians 3v23 reminds us to work at whatever we've been given, 'as working for the Lord', reminding us that 'It is the Lord Christ you are serving.'

And that's a great reminder - whether our work is uni-based, or out in the world in one of those 'paid jobs' that I hear so much about :P - because, in keeping our hearts fully set on God in our work, then we find it hard to grumble and complain, we find it hard to lose sight on the true goal of our salvation ('you know you will receive an inheritance' - Col 3v23), and find that strength we so often need in our work to keep ploughing on in the face of tiredness, ridicule for holding the faith we do, and whatever the enemy throws at us to try to trip us up.

If a heart's fully set on glorifying God, then even the greatest snare snaps like rotten string before God's Grace & steadfast hand.

Let's keep that heart of ours fully set on glorifying him. The next couple of weeks are going to be ridiculous for us peeps on PGCE, but I know that God continues to strengthen me and hold me fast. May that be enough for us :)



weird is just your own personal brand of normal

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