Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Day one of data entry

All I can say, is Hurrah for God's inspiration in work when you ask him for it! :D I've just had a fab, productive day working on the database, setting up my desktop and lappy in tandem so I can read on one and type on the other, and it's working a treat.

Data entry may be labelled by most as a down-right boring, monotonous job. And they're right on the whole. But, even in the mosr mundane situations, God's glory is to be saught and given to him - and databasing is one of those situations! I found that each time I asked God to give me passion after his name, and in glorifying his name through the data entry, that I had such joy in doing it!

A verse my friend Anneke shared with me a while back sums this up perfectly:

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.'
-- Colossians 3v23-24 --

From this experience of mine in work, both now and in exam revision, and lab work, to go about it remembering that is for his glory that we are here! And what a priviledge it is to remember that you have been chosen by GOD to serve him! He could have chosen angels to work on his behalf to humans, but he chose you and I, the 'humble things of this world to shame the wise' (reference unknown).

It's insanity squared, and it baffles me intensely, but I know it to be true. It's not just a case of seeing it i the bible, because a book can say anything. But seeing God's faithfulness, power and love leap up out of the pages and into my life confirms his sovereignty, goodness, and passion in my life. It's because of him that I can stand here today and say with full confidence that Jesus Christ is Lord!

And to that end, that glorious and wonderful end of serving Christ, I hope and pray that that he continues to inspire me to enter data to his glory.

Bring on day 2 :)



weird is just your own personal brand of normal

1 comment:

Cat said...

Hurray hurray! Working for God is amazing...believe me He teaches you alot through it and builds you up through it!

Its all about His Glory!!! :-)